Thursday, March 21, 2013

Historically Haunted Welcomes You

Welcome to Historically Haunted.
The ghost stories you will find here are not works of fiction.These are reports of real events. These collections of ghost stories are not an attempt to alter any one's personal belief or convictions.They are meant to provoke some thought into areas that one may not normally have considered.

We will provide evidence, discussions and ghost research. We encourage our readers to provide their opinions and feedback.

Ghosts exist in all cultures and have been noted throughout history. A paranormal encounter is a very moving and profound experience. There are many synonyms in the English language, including spectre, spirit, entity, poltergeist, phantom and many more.

But why does this phenomena exist? There are many theories but no one knows for sure.Some theories include "leftover energy". The deceased persons soul left an imprint on the physical world. Traumatic or violent events often have this effect, and in turn leave a place haunted.

Another theory is that they are disembodied souls that are only detectable by our "sixth sense".They either don't know they are deceased or cannot accept it due to some unfinished business from when they were living. No one knows for sure.

Being haunted is not necessarily permanent. A place that is currently haunted may not always be. Events may occur in the home that may trigger a haunting. Some examples may be death of a loved one, especially soon after passing on. They may come for "visitation" , or to say goodbye. These hauntings do not usually continue for long. Also, events such as a suicide in the home may also trigger this.

We will cover ghosts and hauntings from around the world, including places that one can visit and even spend the night (if you dare), with actual photos and information about the location,its history and how to get there . Some locations may be very famous and popular and others virtually unheard of until now.

We will also cover reviews of books and movies related to this topic, as well as a quote of the day by famous people about death and the unknown.

Let us guide you on a journey. Ghosts and hauntings combine two of my greatest passions in life-history and mystery. If you're up to the challenge, lets discover them and expand your horizons.

We encourage you to leave feedback and submit your short stories of hauntings and the paranormal. The most spine-tingling ghost tale of the month will win a free gift from Historically Haunted. We look forward to hearing from you.