Friday, March 8, 2013

Haunted Artifacts

The spirits of previously owned objects and buildings often become attached to the artifacts. The artifacts in these places are quite often full of spiritual energy from their former owners. They seem to move around on their own, often into different rooms altogether.

One such incidence involves a woman who had a puppet she had inherited from her grandmother. When she awoke in the morning it would not be in its original place.This did not occur with any other items in her house. It seems that this particular puppet had some energy attached to it and her grandmother was quite fond of it. After her death ,could it be that she was still attached to it?

Another case involving an old alarm clock that had been in a house fire where people died . This same clock often starts ticking in the middle of the night even though it does'nt work anymore. There is no logical explanation for this.The alarm clock at the starting of this article is the actual clock. Tick tock, tick tock.

We would like your opinions on this subject. Is this all just one huge coincidence or is there actual spiritual energy attached to these objects. There are many theories and we would like to hear yours. Please let us know it you have experienced anything similar.