Thursday, March 21, 2013

Historically Haunted Welcomes You

Welcome to Historically Haunted.
The ghost stories you will find here are not works of fiction.These are reports of real events. These collections of ghost stories are not an attempt to alter any one's personal belief or convictions.They are meant to provoke some thought into areas that one may not normally have considered.

We will provide evidence, discussions and ghost research. We encourage our readers to provide their opinions and feedback.

Ghosts exist in all cultures and have been noted throughout history. A paranormal encounter is a very moving and profound experience. There are many synonyms in the English language, including spectre, spirit, entity, poltergeist, phantom and many more.

But why does this phenomena exist? There are many theories but no one knows for sure.Some theories include "leftover energy". The deceased persons soul left an imprint on the physical world. Traumatic or violent events often have this effect, and in turn leave a place haunted.

Another theory is that they are disembodied souls that are only detectable by our "sixth sense".They either don't know they are deceased or cannot accept it due to some unfinished business from when they were living. No one knows for sure.

Being haunted is not necessarily permanent. A place that is currently haunted may not always be. Events may occur in the home that may trigger a haunting. Some examples may be death of a loved one, especially soon after passing on. They may come for "visitation" , or to say goodbye. These hauntings do not usually continue for long. Also, events such as a suicide in the home may also trigger this.

We will cover ghosts and hauntings from around the world, including places that one can visit and even spend the night (if you dare), with actual photos and information about the location,its history and how to get there . Some locations may be very famous and popular and others virtually unheard of until now.

We will also cover reviews of books and movies related to this topic, as well as a quote of the day by famous people about death and the unknown.

Let us guide you on a journey. Ghosts and hauntings combine two of my greatest passions in life-history and mystery. If you're up to the challenge, lets discover them and expand your horizons.

We encourage you to leave feedback and submit your short stories of hauntings and the paranormal. The most spine-tingling ghost tale of the month will win a free gift from Historically Haunted. We look forward to hearing from you.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hauntings at The Olde Angel Inn-Niagara On The Lake, ON Canada

Imagine. A place that time forgot. Where white horse-drawn carriages with coachmen wearing tophats take you on a long forgotten journey. Past churches and homesteads, with candles in their windows. Past battlefields and barracks, graveyards with tombstones that were once used to operate on the wounded, the scars from the hatchets still showing. Couples taking an evening stroll hand in hand along the waterfront.
This is Niagara-on-the-Lake. One of the most haunted locations imaginable. This is a place with so much history, you can sense it in everything you see. The buildings on 224 Regent St. have welcomed guests from the 1700's when The Harmonious Coach House first welcomed its guests.It is now called The Old Angel Inn.

Captain Swayze was a British officer during the War of 1812. Swayze was captured and killed by American soldiers in the basement of the Inn and is said to haunt it ever since. The hauntings can be so strong that some present day guests have not stayed through the night and have checked out early.

Vague apparitions of a nineteenth-century soldier wearing a red uniform and military music from that era have been reported in different rooms of the Inn. On one occasion the staff were having a heated argument in the pub and Swayze showed his displeasure by throwing dishes and cups between them. Some guests have reported hearing the chairs and tables sliding across the pub floors in the wee hours of the morning, long after the staff have left.

We went as a group of four on two seperate occasions and I can tell you there is definitely something paranormal going on there. We did not see Captain Swayze, as much as I would have liked to, but many unexplained events occured.

On our first visit we had gone on a carriage ride in the early evening. We were told that if you hang an American Flag somewhere in your room it will agitate Swayze and definitely stir things up. My brother bought a small flag at a gift shop and put it in the bathroom (a supposidly hot spot for paranormal activites in this room of the inn). When we came back after dark we discovered the trap door to the attic (which was above the flag) had been flipped open. The ceilings are about 9 feet high and none of us could reach it. Coincidence? You decide

On our second visit a few years later, we stayed in the same room. We had gone for breakfast in the pub downstairs. My two brothers had gone up to the room and to their surprise as they approached the room door, they heard music playing. Upon opening the door they discovered the radio was playing. We had not even touched the radio the whole time we were there. How did it turn on by itself.

Later that night we went out for an evening walk. Upon our return to the room we discovered the antique mirror in the bathroom tilted completely. We were there the whole weekend and no vibrations had moved the mirror. We leave for a half hour and discover this. The next morning my brother was lying in bed and the draw string for the blind in front ot his bed started going in circles all by itself. Everyone was asleep and there were no fans or air conditioning on. Then all of a sudden it stopped.

These are just subtle things but every guest has experienced something. One couple were in their room and the old wooden window which was shut suddenly lifted open (upwards, not down). They were completely freaked out.

So there you have it. You be the judge. There are many more stories from the inn, which I may cover another time. Even if you don't experience anything, it is worth the visit. The inn has so much character and ambience, from a bygone era. The pub downstairs has great food and music on weekends. Be sure to ask to see the cellar. This is where Swayze met his end and I don't think he has ever left.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

Haunted Artifacts

The spirits of previously owned objects and buildings often become attached to the artifacts. The artifacts in these places are quite often full of spiritual energy from their former owners. They seem to move around on their own, often into different rooms altogether.

One such incidence involves a woman who had a puppet she had inherited from her grandmother. When she awoke in the morning it would not be in its original place.This did not occur with any other items in her house. It seems that this particular puppet had some energy attached to it and her grandmother was quite fond of it. After her death ,could it be that she was still attached to it?

Another case involving an old alarm clock that had been in a house fire where people died . This same clock often starts ticking in the middle of the night even though it does'nt work anymore. There is no logical explanation for this.The alarm clock at the starting of this article is the actual clock. Tick tock, tick tock.

We would like your opinions on this subject. Is this all just one huge coincidence or is there actual spiritual energy attached to these objects. There are many theories and we would like to hear yours. Please let us know it you have experienced anything similar.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Haunted House Tours

Haunted House Tours By Beverly Kane You are bored of taking the conventional vacations. Camping,water-rafting or even dog-sledding in Alaska leave you cold. Itis the right time to take the off beat vacation. Join the many adventurous people who are taking those literally breath-taking vacations – haunted house tours. You have most definitely been exposed to some of the haunted houses, thanks to television,especially around Halloween. But why not try these toursyourself? Imagine living in a haunted house – eating, sleeping and allthe other activities – amidst a spooky environment. But where doyou find haunted houses? Here are the top four places recommended for all those who is itching for a chill down their spines: Perhaps the spookiest of them all is the Burford House B & B intombstone, AZ. This house, built in 1880 and owned by Ruth andRichard Allen have hosted many celebrities, including JohnWayne. Interestingly, many of the guests have never really left the house, which includes one George who shot his fiancé for reasons of infidelity and then committed suicide. Many modern-day visitors have taken pictures of a man donning a cowboy hat who looks out of the window. The orbs and reflections are a boon for the ghost hunters. There are several other ghost inhabitants in this house, but not yet identified with any particular person. Located a few minutes away from the French Quarter and Magazine Street is another famous haunted house – the Castle Inn in New Orleans. Built in 1891, this haunted house is famous for a horse carriage driver who frequents it. He got killed during a fire and keeps on playing some ghostly tricks on residents and guests. He appears translucent, staring at the guests or at times he is heard coughing or whistling. The other ghost is that of a little girl, who met with a tragic end in a pool close by.She still haunts the house as well as the neighborhood. She declares her presence with little noises of trotting about in the hallways or bouncing on the bed. The bed and breakfast arrangement has a large variety of luxurious rooms suitable for extended stay. Then there is this double-storied Romanesque building built in1897 called the Red Garter Bed and Bakery, situated in Williams,AZ. Here the friendly ghosts enjoy being photographed. It is believed that some of the residents of this erstwhile bordello and saloon, never really left the place. Apparently there is this woman with long dark hair who shows up in photos. You can hear footsteps in the hallways and noisy doors which slam in the middle of the night. The rooms of this house are large andcomfortable and the location, very memorable. Built in 1716, the Colonial Inn of Concord, Massachusetts alsooffers a spooky vacation. It has housed many celebrities, one of whom, in room 24, has not yet left. This room was used as an operation theater during the civil war and it could well be that some of those operated upon did not survive and hence theirspirit lives on. Not only is a haunted vacation memorable on its own merits, but also great fun to do research on and find out more about the past historic facts. You can actually relive history in these houses, which has its own charm. In case you would much rather stay away from spooky adventures, there are other haunted housetours available which provide murder mystery nights and otherdramatic outings for the guests. If you don’t really care much about reliving history, a house riddled with an unsolved murder mystery could be your place.Such a house is the Lizzie Borden B & B. along with the ghosts,these houses are wonderful buildings to be admired, with or without your surreal friends. About the Author: Beverly Kane is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Haunted Castles in Ireland

Visit Haunted Castles In Ireland!

By Patricia McKinney-Lins

Visit a haunted castle in Ireland! Friendly ghosts as well as disturbed spirits have been detected in many Irish castles. You will learn the history behind the haunting and might experience a shiver or two yourself! Castle doors suddenly slam shut. Swift winds tear through guestrooms on otherwise calm nights. Terrifying wails are heard from deep within castles. The reason for these events? Ghosts.

Their spirits have been haunting some castles in Ireland for hundreds of years. If you are brave enough, you might want to visit orstay in one of the real haunted castles in Ireland. Many battles took place in Irish castles over many centuries of struggle for Irish rule. The violence and bloodshed took many lives and created many legends. Some of the castle ghosts were involved in the fighting; others had more personal tragedies. I visited many haunted castles during my most recent castle tour.

Charleville Castle in County Offaly is haunted by the ghost ofits former owner, by druids buried on the grounds, and by a girlwho fell from a high staircase to her death. When I visited,ghost hunters were setting up equipment to detect the spirits.

Clonony Castle is in County Offaly, near the Shannon River. Aghostly figure of a man reportedly patrols one of its towers.

Ballygally Castle is 20 miles from Belfast on the Antrim coastin Northern Ireland. It is a beautiful hotel and is said to haveits own friendly ghost!

Carrickfergus Castle in County Antrim, Northern Ireland is hometo "Buttoncap", the ghost of a young 16th Century soldier.

Huntington Castle in County Carlow is built on the site of a Druids Temple. Spirits of deceased monks, a murdered soldier,and Lady Esmond all haunt this large estate.

Killua Castle, located in County Westmeath, is rumored to have a former employee's ghostly figure stalking the grounds atnight.

Castle Leslie in County Monaghan, Northern Ireland is abeautiful castle haunted by Norman Leslie, slain in World War I.

Gormanston Castle in County Meath was owned by a family forseven centuries. Legend has it that foxes surrounded the castle upon the death of one of the family members.

Kinnitty Castle in Country Offaly is a beautifully restored castle hotel built on land once inhabited by Druids. This castle is haunted by the "Phantom Monk of Kinnitty".

Wilton Castle in County Wexford is said to be home to the ghosts of a former magistrate, a dead actress, and a former castle resident.

Leap Castle in County Offaly is widely regarded as the mosthaunted castle in Ireland. Its bloody past of massacres andmurders has led to the presence of vengeful ghosts andunexplained noises, placing Leap Castle at the top of the listof real haunted castles in Ireland.

Whether or not you believe in ghost stories, it is worth testing your beliefs first hand. You will definitely enjoy a visit to these beautiful and real haunted castles in Ireland.

Copyright 2008, Patricia McKinney-Lins. All rights reserved.

About the Author: Take the worry out of booking your ownspecial trip to the Emerald Isle. Go to the author's website at for Ireland traveladvice. Experience the beautiful landscapes, the stunningcoastlines, the quaint villages, and so much more.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ghosts of the Tower Of London Pt.1

The Ghosts Of The Tower Of London - Pt1 By Stuart Bazga

Over the coming week, I hope to lead you on a journey of discovery and adventure. Briefly taking a glimpse into a past so horrid. Of haunting tales and ghastly ends that awaited so many of her most famous occupants. Firing your imagination, so that you will delve deeper into her history for yourselves.

During her long and illustrious 900 years, The Tower of London has developed into one of the most haunted places in Britain.She has been home to beheadings and murders, torture and hangings, as well as being a prison to Queens and Nobles alike.

Thomas A. Becket is "the first reported sighting of a ghost at the Tower of London. During the construction on the Inner Curtain Wall in the 13th century, Thomas appeared apparently unhappy about the construction, and it is said he reduced the wall to rubble with a strike of his cross. Henry III’s grandfather was responsible for the death of Thomas Becket, so Henry III wasted no time building a chapel in the Tower of London, naming it for the archbishop. This must have pleased Thomas’ ghost because there were no further interruptions during the construction of the wall.

The Bloody Tower was the scene of the infamous disappearance ofthe two princes; Edward V (12) and Richard Duke of York (10),who are thought to have been murdered in 1483 on the probable command of the Duke of Gloucestershire, who was to be crowned Richard the III.

According to one story, guards in the late 15th century, who were passing the Bloody Tower, spotted the shadows of two small figures gliding down the stairs still wearing the white nightshirts they had on the night they disappeared. They stood silently, hand in hand, before fading back into the stones of the Bloody Tower.

These figures were identified as the ghosts of the two princes.In 1674 workmen found a chest that contained the skeletons of two young children, they were thought to be the remains of the princes, and were given a royal burial not long afterwards. The story of the little princes is still to this day a heart breaking story. They are "among the most poignant ghosts" in the Tower of London.

The most persistent ghost in The Tower of London is the ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn. The King, Henry VIII, after learning the baby she carried for nine months was a boy and still born, accused by her of infidelity.

She was taken to TOWER GREEN and was beheaded on May 19, 1536.Queen Anne appears near the Queen’s House, close to the site where her execution was carried out. She can be seen leading a ghostly procession of Lords and Ladies down the aisle of the Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula.

She floats down the aisle to her final resting place. Queen Anne is buried under the Chapel’s altar. Her headless body has also been seen walking the corridors of the Tower. Sir Walter Raleigh lived quite comfortable compared to others who were imprisoned within the walls of the Bloody Tower. His"rooms" are still furnished as they were in the 16th century,and can be seen when visiting the Tower today. He was executed by James I, and has been seen looking exactly as he does in his portrait hanging in the Bloody Tower.

I hope you have enjoyed Pt1 to The Ghosts of The Tower ofLondon. In Pt2 we discover what happened to Catherine Howard and Lady Jane Grey as well as the Horrific end to the Countess of Salisbury.

If these tales have brought your imagination back to life andyou want to discover more ghostly and gruesome stories of times past. Then pay a visit to my Haunted Castles page where you can find out about the grisly goings on at Windsor Castle or read about the Heroic tale of the Two Brothers of Berry Pomeroy Castle in Devon.

Best wishes and have a great day! Stuart Bazga

About the Author: A Guide to Castles of Europe was born from childhood dreams and aspirations. It is my hope to educate and stimulate you into exploring these castles for yourselves. © 2005 - All rights reserved.

Haunted Havana Ghost Tours

Havana Ghost Tours.

When The Stars Come Out, So Do The Ghosts By Christian Rieger See the Haunts of Old Havana with The Original Havana Ghost Tours, Havana Cuba's first ghost tour. Ghost Guides will introduce guests to the city's "other night life" as they walk through the shadowy, cobblestone streets and narrow lanes of this Grande Dame of the Caribbean. The ghost tour walks amidst the city's most haunted places— the Cathedral, the waterfront, the battlements, the haunts where Hemingway imbibed spirits. Christopher Columbus' bones are said to rest in Havana. Does his restless spirit wander its streets? You shall find out. Havana conjures up many images of its illustrious past —piracy, the Spanish Maine, Hollywood movie stars, the glamor of Café Society and the Mob in the 1940s and 1950s. Its physical heritage is Spanish and its spiritual foundationis with the Indians that came before. This combining isreflected in her full name — San Cristobal de la Habana. It combines San Cristóbal, the city's patron saint, with Habana, aname of mysterious origins that is said to be the name of the daughter of a major chieftain, Habaguanex, who controlled the area. Is it her spirit that gives Havana her grace and beauty?The guides will reveal her story. The Spanish monarchy gave the city the designation "Key to theNew World and defender of the West Indies." A daunting name and responsibility for any political entity. It is here, in late summers, that the Spanish treasure ships gathered from around the Americas to sail as a convoy to the Old World, she was the hub of trade. During this time she suffered regular attacks by buccaneers,pirates, and French corsairs looking for booty, and perhaps some chicas. The first attack and burning of the city was by the French corsair Jacques de Sores. He took the city with only two ships. He plundered the city and murdered 30 elders and blackswho were imprisoned. He left without obtaining the enormous wealth that he was hoping to. Are the spirits of the prisoners still there be moaning their odd fate at the hands of a stranger?Are the ghosts of the Spanish Colonial Guards still riding the streets at night to protect the citizens of this fabled city?You shall find out. But for many Americans it is the 1950s whose image is best known. It was the time before Castro's revolution, a time when the mob nested in Havana. Names like Meyer Lansky, Lucky Lucianoand Santo Trafficante hob-nobed with the Hollywood elite — Frank Sinatra, Ava Gardner, Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper. Their memories, if not their spirits, still haunt this fabled city.

Great old buildings like the Convent of St Augustin, El Morro Castle, the chapel of the Humilladero, the fountain of Doroteade la Luna in La Chorrera, the Church of the Holy Angel, the hospital of San Lazaro, the monastery of Santa Teresa and the Convent of San Felipe Neri keep her steeped in tradition and rich in spirits. The Ghosts wish to introduce you to the Havana of years gone by— and of the spirit-rich nights of the here and now. Join the Guides and Ghosts in Havana when Congress lifts the ban on American Travel to our sister country to the south —ninety miles from Key West. Muchísimas Gracias, Señoras y Señores, Los Fantasmas de La Vieja Havana About the Author: Christian Rieger has been writing financial and travel articles since 1965.

He has also written sight seeing scripts for New York, Savannah, Key West, San Juan and Fort Lauderdale.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Ghost Encounters

Who Else Has Met A 'Ghost'?By Pamela Glynn Who else has received a visitor from the other side? My maternal grandmother’s death was the first one in my family to touch me extremely deeply. ‘Nama’, as I knew her, died just before the birth of my second baby and almost my first regret upon learning of her death was that she would never see this great-grandchild. Some years passed and then a troubled friend asked me to go with her to see a medium. I was reluctant to do this, but went in a spirit of friendship and by request remained in the room while Yvonne was given messages. Unsure whether I was convinced by what was going on, there was still one aspect that struck meas being particularly touching. The medium described a short plump lady with bright blue eyes and white hair who was clutching a bunch of lilies-of-the-valley and said that this lady was with Yvonne constantly as a kind of guardian angel. The interesting thing was that later, when we discussed what had gone on, Yvonne said that everything had made perfect sense …except the description of the white-haired woman, which she didn’t recognize. That evening while we were watching TV my husband asked whether I was wearing a new perfume, since he could smell lilies-of-the valley. I had no time to answer him before I saw – standing between me and the TV, large as life but slightly transparent so that I could actually see the television program through her –my grandmother! She was holding lilies-of-the-valley (her favorite flowers in life: her birthday having been on 31 May, my mother had always managed to gather the last few from the garden for her birthday bouquet) and spoke to me all too clearly.Sounding quite miffed, Nama asked: “Why didn’t you know it was me? I was there in that room and the message was meant for you.” This was such a real encounter that, overcome with emotion, I ran from the room and threw myself on my bed, sobbing. Since then I’ve seen Nama again and have felt strengthened by the knowledge that she is my guardian angel in death, just as she always was in life. It seems to me that the power of love can never die. © P.G. Glynn About the Author: I am a published (hardback) author fascinated by life, time and the nature of death, which I am convinced is a new beginning rather than an end. If you liked this article I think you will enjoy my love story across time, THE PORTRAIT,accessible on

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ghosts of the Tower of London Part 2

The Ghosts Of The Tower Of London - Pt. 2 By Stuart Bazga

In this final instalment of The Ghosts of the Tower of London,you will learn about the fate of Catherine Howard and discoverthe treachery behind the death of Lady Jane Grey who was Queen of England for only nine days.

The most grisly execution and thus haunting is that of the 70 year old Countess of Salisbury, the last of the Plantagenets. King Henry VIII had her executed for political reasons. The feisty Countess refused to put her head on the block like a common traitor. When her executioner came after her she ran, but was pursued by him, with his axe in hand hacking at her until he had hewn the Countess to death.

Her ghost has been seen reliving this truly gruesome act. Alsothe shadow of a great axe has been seen falling across the sceneof her murder.

At one time the Tower of London was home to the Royal Menagerie. Lions, leopards, bears, birds, monkeys and anelephant, that was a gift from the King of France, were kept on exhibit. On the stroke of midnight in January of 1815 a sentry saw a bear from this menagerie emerge from a doorway. He lunged at it with his bayonet, it passed right through the apparition.The Sentry was later found unconscious, it is said he died of fright within two months of this encounter.

Something unseen and very frightening is in the Salt Tower.This is one of the most haunted areas of the Tower of London complex. This is a very old section, dogs will not enter this ancient building, and ever since one of the Yeoman Warders was nearly throttled by a force unseen, they will not go in the area after nightfall.

In 1864, a soldier whose post was to guard the Queen’s House atthe Tower of London, saw a apparition so real, that afterignoring the soldiers three challenges, he charged with all his might at the intruder with his bayonet, only to go straight through the figure.

He was found unconscious at his post and was court-martialledfor neglecting his duty. Luckily there were two witnesses who corroborated his story. The soldier was eventually acquitted. Lady Jane Grey is another tragic story of a young life cutshort at the Tower, due to the actions of others the most despicable of who was her own father. She was the granddaughter of Mary (Henry VIII younger sister)and Louis XII of France. The Duke of Northumberland would loseeverything if Henry VIII’s son was to die and Mary, who was Catholic, would become queen.

He and her father arranged her marriage to his son and persuaded her cousin Edward VI to name her his successor in caseof his death instead of his two half-sisters. When Edward VIdied she was crowned Queen of England, but the supporters ofMary overthrew her.

Her own father got scared and in hopes to save his own skin,left the Tower of London and went to Tower Hill to proclaim MaryI, as the Queen of England, Lady Jane never left the tower; she and her husband were immediately imprisoned and sentenced todeath. Queen Mary carried out the execution of Lady Jane’sfather-in-law but set both Jane and her husband free. Her father was involved in a rebellion against Mary I, LadyJane and her husband were again placed in the tower. Lady Janewatched as her husband was taken to Tower Hill where he was beheaded. She saw his body being carried back to the chapel,after which she was taken to Tower Green where she was beheaded.She was only 17 years old.

Lady Jane Grey’s ghost was last seen by two Guardsmen onFebruary 12, 1957, the 403rd anniversary of her execution. Shewas described as a "white shape forming itself on the battlements". Her husband, Guildford Dudley, has been seen in Beauchamp Tower weeping. Catherine Howard escaped from her room in the Tower of London."She ran down the hallway screaming for help and mercy. She was caught and returned to her room." The next day she was beheaded. Her ghost has been seen sill running down the hallway screamingfor help.

Other strange sightings at the Tower of London have been"Phantom funeral carriages" and “A lovely veiled lady that, upon closer look proves to have a black void where her face should be." This concludes the brief insight to the Ghosts of The Tower of London. I hope this has fired your imagination enough so thatyou want to learn more about the Towers most GRUESOME PAST.

If you want to read about more haunting tales then visit my Haunted Castles page, where you can find out about the strange happenings at Windsor Castle or read about the Heroic tale of the two Pomeroy Brothers.

Best Wishes and Have a Great Day

Stuart Bazga

About the Author: A Guide to Castles of Europe was born from childhood dreams and aspirations. It is my hope to educate andstimulate you into exploring these castles for yourselves. -All rights reserved.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tips For Ghost Hunting

General Tips For Seeking The Paranormal From Professional Ghost Hunters By John Fair There has been an enormous upsurge in the interest of paranormal phenomena in recent years. There have been manycauses speculated, from the weakening of the base of traditional western Judeo-Christian spirituality to a reaction to the mobility of American society manifest as a longing to commune with long dead ancestors. While the psychologists and sociologists continue to debate the issue, the popularity of so called ghost hunting continues to rise.
For those who believe in such paranormal phenomena and are seeking to strike out on their own, consider this advice from top ghost hunters. First, be sure to receive training from qualified ghost hunters before striking out on your own. According to professional ghost hunters, those who attempt to make contact with spirits without being reasonably prepared are at a risk to incur damage, either physically or, more likely, psychologically. While some ghost hunters argue over whether or not spirits can physically harm humans, there is a strong consensus that an encounter for one who is not psychologically ready can leave lasting mental and emotional scars. Most physical injury is caused by amateur ghosthunters fleeing the scene in the dark and running into or tripping over unseen obstacles. Seasoned ghost hunters suggest that you case the scene in the daylight before returning at night. Having a mental map of the area will help you to keep your bearings in the dark and can help you avoid injury. Ghost hunters say that knowing the lay of the land is also helpful in case the situation becomes uncomfortable and you feel the need to quickly retreat. Being certain of the path out of the encounter area can lead to a feeling of greater control over the situation and can reduce the feelings of fear and panic that can occur. Keep your mind open and discover the darkness.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ghost Tours in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale Ghost Tours --- Hunt The Haunted Tonight!

By Christian Rieger

Hunt ghosts with the Ghosts, Mysteries & Legends tour of OldFort Lauderdale,, FortLauderdale's premier ghost tour. Ghost Guides introduce visitorsand locals to Fort Lauderdale's "other night life" as they walk along the banks of the New River in the city's historic district.

The ghost tour takes guests to the city's most haunted placesright in the heart of downtown, where the Tequesta Indians livedwhen the Spanish Conquistadors arrived and where the city as weknow it today began.

The tour's chief ghost guide, Christian Rieger, says, "We concentrate our tour in the area where Fort Lauderdale started as a modern city — where the Flagler railroad came through in 1896. "The freeze of 1895 that killed the citrus trees through central Florida, caused Henry Flagler to extend his Florida Eastcoast Railroad from Palm Beach to what is today Miami.

The city's first hotel, built because the railroad's coming through, was built next to the tracks at the river. Historianssay that it is this area, where we have our ghost hunting, that the city, as we know it today, began."

Ghost tour guides, wearing a cape, top hat and carrying a lantern, tell stories of the fabled New River, trading posts and 100 year-old mansions. Is the Ghost Train that speeds silently over the tracks the train that caused the death 500 people inthe Labor Day Hurricane of 1935? Some locals who claim to have seen it think so.

Visitors on the tour will discover the mystery of the woman inthe white wedding dress and why she stands alone on the balconyof the city's oldest standing hotel building. Guides also tell tales of Seminole Indians that still haunt the river, the ghosts of early settlers, and the haunts of a popular restaurant.

"It is great family entertainment," says Rieger, "something for the family to do after dinner besides watch television in the hotel room. It also works great for local families, because ghost tours are a clever way of introducing local history to children — a way of making history interesting and easy to listen to." "And bring your digital camera. We have had many guests who have photographed various images in the spirit world."

For more info, contact 954 523 About the Author: Rieger has been writing financial and travel articlessince 1965. He has also written sightseeing scripts for NewYork, Savannah, Key West, San Juan and Fort Lauderdale. He operates tour companies in Key West and Fort Lauderdale.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ancient Superstitions : Hag Stones

Hagstones are stones that have a hole running through them, and are ususally found in streams, rivers and the seaside, where running water has created a natural hole in the stone. This may be one of the reasons why they are considered so powerful. It is a common belief that they can protect people and animals from the powers of evil. A range of disorders were thought to be cured by hagstones.

It is called a hagstone from a stomach ache which they believed was caused by a hag or witch sitting on the stomach of the ill person.They were also worn around the neck or hung above doorways of homes and stables. These stones were hung above beds to prevent nightmares and fastened to the bows of boats to keep them safe at sea.

For a hagstone to keep its full power it was supposed to be found by the bearer or given in love.This practice continues today in parts of Britain and Europe.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The St.Vincent Guest House

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Most Haunted City -New Orleans, Louisiana USA

New Orleans is an old city founded by the French in 1718. It is not only a hedonistic pleasure capital, but a cultural and historical one. New Orleans goes by many names such as "The Big Easy" and "The City That Care Forgot".

In the 18th and 19th century yellow fever was wide spread. Symptoms were sudden and death soon followed. In 1853 an epidemic resulted in 8000 deaths. The primary victims were the young and the poor.Numerous orphanages arose to care for children who survived .

One such orphanage is now The St.Vincents Guest House. This 147 year old orphanage has been transformed into a Victorian style inn. Ceilings fans, wicker furniture and large courtyards all evoke the feeling of the south.

This imposing structure was built in 1861 while New Orleans was under Union occupation.There was a need for a large orphanage due to the many orphaned children. The financial backing came from Margaret Haughery, an Irish emigree who was an extremely successful business woman. She was also an orphan. On the day of her funeral in 1882 the entire city closed down .

While staying at The St.Vincents Guest House we were the only patrons due to the off season. We were put on the ground floor of the inn. The building inside evokes the feeling of the movie "The Shining" with huge staircases, long hallways and tall ceilings. The black and white photos on the walls of the orphans and nuns who cared for them gives the atmosphere of times passed and the hardships they endured.

That evening the inn clerk gave us a phone number for us to call if any problems arose. She would be back in the morning. Now hungry, we decided to go out for dinner to return later that night to watch television and relax.

After retiring for the evening we awoke shortly after 2 am to the sound of children laughing and carrying on, as if in a playground, but right outside our door. My first thought was who would let their children play that late. So I sent my brave husband out into the hall to investigate. While standing in the doorway he turned to me and said there was no one there. The hall was dark and empty , the laughter continued but seemed to move to the upper floors.

I thought he was joking around so I got up and joined him. The only lights on were the red exit signs and the small light in the office. We both decided to investigate further and made our way to the base of the grand staircase. The eerie sound of children still laughing made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. My feet felt like lead as we decided to walk to the first level of the staircase , and at that moment the laughter suddenly stopped. A ghostly silence came over the building. Our hearts pounding we decided rather hastily to return our bedroom, lock the door and hide under the blankets until morning.

In the morning we asked the desk clerk if anyone else had checked in that evening. She said no one else was there and we had been alone. We told her about our adventure . She said it was a common occurance that many other guests had experienced. Then she smiled and said "Why do you think I don't stay the night if I don't have to?"